The KTH engineers role in future society-Thoughts from the Reactor Think Tank
We live in disruptive times. The ongoing financial crisis opened unexpected opportunities for politicians to get back into the loop. The ongoing trial on The Pirate Bay shows in a similar way that there's space for the engineer to get back in the media loop of our societies.
During today's tour of the first nuclear plant in Sweden - the R1 at KTH was a good reminder of the time when the engineer was the society's hero. The strong belief in technical solutions as the future saviour of the society. The presentation of the R1 (in Swedish, still - a lot to pick up by all)
It's all too evident how easy all debates fall into the trap of becoming black and white - in the case of file sharing: is it ok to steal or not? freedom or not? - when we all KNOW the debate involves more issues than that. I believe the KTH engineers have a role to play here! Not only do they have a role - the have a challenge - and a duty to pay back to the society the scientific measures to make obvious the debate is more complicated than some players want to make it.
One such voice is the professor Roger Wallis
This is a call to engineers - firstly my fellow engineers of KTH (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan - The Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm. Let's debate the often too-simple-angle that mainstream media presents. We'll start this - not as a revolution - but as a disruptive and continuum - something that goes on and on and on...
Our means are the human's best tools: through dialogue, blogs, by talking to neighbors, colleagues, even strangers on the subway. Let's make issues more complicated - and human. The engineer way. Let's start right now. Right here. I'm at KTH today - where are you? What can your engineering spirit help develop today?
More on this (probably mostly in Swedish...):
Judith: "50 meter under jord - KTH"
"Ingenjörer inblandade..."
Rudolf about the creativity of this small country: (Swe):
Björn Falkevik on the presentation - incl video:
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