There are many signs of journalism developing in different directions: One is digging down, eeper - getting more radical, with journalists covering issues like war, criminal economy et cetera. The other one is floating on the surface, covering simple areas that are obvious to anyone - like TV programs et cetera. What about the gap between these two? IS there a gap? If so, that gap won't exist for ever. I believe this is THE place for bloggers.
A journalist once explained what it is to "be a journalist"... "You see - our task is to create a picture of the everyday as beeing very exciting!" Of course - in a well-organised society like many countries today - news are often of the negative kind.
What bloggers can do is to share their view of the everyday, because unlike the journalist view - the everyday doesn't really need to be flashed up. It only needs to be told.
I also believe mainstream media - be it print or TV - are digging their own grave by "giving the audience what they want". With the choice of other channels - only a little few will stay with the TV set. Most others will search for a niche that tells them "you are important to us - come and see!"
What do you think?
Johan - at a cafe in Lilla Essingen, Stockholm, Sweden on a rainyThursday lunchLabels: blog, bloggers, mainstream, media, niche, print, TV